Six standards of being healthy

To consider a person whether is healthy, here are some standards for your reference:


  1. Front Head is cold, limbs are warm in all seasons(Yin Yang balanced---energy moves normally around the body).

  2. Good appetite. You can self-control on eating(balanced stomach vital energy),and feelthe good taste of food(sufficient spleen vital energy)

  3. Sleep well means good heart function. You can fall asleep easily without waking up (it means sufficient blood in heart and liver). Sweatingnormally indicatesbalanced heart vital energy.If you can feel the skin warm in winter and cool in summer during sleeping, it shows sufficient vital energy onskinlayers.

  4. You have one bowel movement in the morning every day(good intestinalsystem functions)

  5. Having light yellow urine about 5- 7 times in day time (according to seasons), without urine at night during sleeping(sufficient kidney vital energy).

  6. Being energetic in daytime(sufficient lung vital energy)